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The first innovative hybrid turf system for high-performance and safe sports pitches because traction, stability and softness of the playing surface are characteristics players seek and only POWERgrass offers them 365 days a year.

POWERgrass combines the advantages of natural grass with the resistance of synthetic grass to offer a reinforced natural grass pitch for up to 30 hours a week.

POWERgrass has as a strategic objective the more efficient use of resources in a circular economy to promote the environment and employment.

POWERgrass has a positive environmental impact because it follows the teachings of regenerative agriculture which contributes to lower temperatures, carbon sequestration and air purification. Anchoring the natural grass to the synthetic turf preserves the soil from erosion and prevents damage from flooding.

The life cycle of the system is estimated at more than 20 years when combined with regular maintenance of the natural grass because it protects the synthetic fibres from UV radiation and achieves a perfect symbiosis of natural and synthetic grass.

The system requires reduced maintenance because it provides the ideal habitat for growing natural grass, which is more resistant to intensive trampling and therefore generates savings of more than 30% over its life cycle compared to other sports surfaces.

POWERgrass will never let you down because it is always playable, even when natural grass is missing for any reason.


The interview of our partner Graham Longdin confirms the validity of POWERgrass!

In our latest realisation for the upgrading of the 'Riviera della Palme' stadium in San Benedetto del Tronto, we outdid ourselves by handing over the pitch for play 17 days after seeding.  After more than 40 matches, training sessions and finishing touches, the pitch has survived even a harsh and rainy winter without a single divot, and President Serafino's compliments have arrived with good reason.

Traction, Stability and Softness
are features sought by the players

Resistant up to 30 hours per week,
durable over 20 years

Reduced maintenance,
positive environmental impact

Last news

20/01/2023 11:28:13

Respect The Planet And Save Money

When it comes to hybrids, the strength of the turf during the season and the durability of the system over time is often the first concern of investors.
This, in fact, has always been an object of study and continuous improvement since 2011.
In 2014 we found the right backing to protect the roots, in 2016 a unique method of welding the fibres to the backing to be able to renew the system several times and finally, in 2019 the HEALgreen maintenance method to enhance photosynthesis and mitigate biotic and environmental stresses.
In addition, from 2019 we will be using ultra-resilient and resistant fibres to promote the resilience of the system and meet the expectations of a very long life span.
Our customers are now convinced that we perform "miracles" but it is simply because our skills and experience have become unique in the industry.


10/05/2022 09:03:04

Hybrid Grass

POWERgrass™ offers the benefits of natural grass at low maintenance costs because the system's fabric carpet protects the plants from intensive play.
The maintenance method of regenerative agriculture creates a symbiotic ecosystem between the vegetation and micro-organisms.
The natural grass grows vigorously and contributes to temperature reduction and sequesters carbon, purifying the air also from the dust offering a positive environmental impact.
The POWERgrass™ pitch mitigates climate change and prevents soil erosion, offers many more hours of safe play and limits the risk of extraordinary maintenance because it does not require replacement of the system, as long as the natural grass is maintained regularly, and the pitch is always playable on the synthetic fibres where the natural grass is missing.


09/09/2021 10:42:00


Contrary to what many people think, to create a good hybrid grass system it is not enough to make a synthetic turf with lots of holes.
In addition to the hybrid carpet, which must have certain characteristics, an in-depth study of agronomy is required to create a favourable habitat for the plants, which must benefit from the presence of the carpet.
Finally, a maintenance plan must be drawn up for each hybrid system, depending on how well it is adapted to the environment and the intensity of its use.
Research and development is the result of studies, skills and experience acquired directly in the field! Football surfaces require years of research & development and the experience gained shows that many innovations are not always risolutive.


Regent's Park, London - Hybrid pitch Nr. 1

Realisation of Hybrid Field POWERgrass as pilot pitch for the grassroots

City of London (United Kingdom)

Derby County FC hybrid training area

Realization of hybrid training pitch area for the goalkeepers in POWERgrass

Derby (Italy)

Bisham Abbey - Hybrid pitch N. 3

Realisation of Hybrid Field POWERgrass as pilot pitch for the grassroots

Bisham (United Kingdom)

hybrid, grass, pitch, bisham, abbey

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POWERgrass UK in the world

POWERgrass hybrid turf fieldPOWERgrass hybrid turf field

Synthetic turf fieldSynthetic turf field