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Protecting the Synthetic Turf

Talking about symbiosis ...there must be mutual benefits.

While synthetic turf protect grass crowns and grass roots are well anchored on its backing, it seems incredible but, but natural grass protects synthetic turf and eliminates many field defects of enterily synthetic turf systems, especially those with 100% organic infill.

It's known that synthetic fibres exposed to sun, in 8,000 hours, they lose 50% of their resistance (half-life cycle of a product). That is to say that the synthetic surface, approximately in 3.5-4.5 years for northern Italy, undergoes an irreversible aging by the mere fact of being exposed to the sun, without regard to the playing damages.

In the hybrid grass PowerGrass natural grass consolidates the infill of the synthetic turf.

The entirely synthetic turf systems are normally filled with sand and subsequently with rubber granules to provide elasticity. The rubber infill is known that exhales a bad smell and contributes to the temperature rise of the synthetic surface. Another disadvantage is that it tends to jump with each bounce of the ball.

In recent years, we have seen a market orientation towards organic infill materials, replacing the traditional rubber. Organic infill simulates better the game on natural grass but in fact they have too many side-effects, high maintenance costs and water consumption so as to eliminate an essential aspect of artificial grass that is "low maintenance costs".

Looking into a different prospective, for those who are looking for a high performance artificial turf, PowerGrass is an ameliorative alternative to those with organic infill, "replacing the organic infill with the living grass." Natural grass is dominating and the playing surface has a natural grass aspect meanwhile artificial turf is nearly imperceptible to the players.

In final analysis, we are talking about two completely different turf surfaces that cooperate in symbiosis with mutual benefits. Natural grass benefits the reinforcement of artificial turf and contributes, in turn, to preserve synthetic turf by different points of view:

  1. grass leaves protect synthetic fibres from aging of UV rays of the sun and from wear caused by the playing activity,
  2. grass roots aggregate the infill together with the synthetic fibres and the backing therefore is not any more subject to floating during heavy rainfalls or splashing during ball rebound;
  3. additionally grass roots anchor the whole system on the background preventing damages from flooding.

PowerGrass is the best of both worlds ... the best invention ever came up in the market.

Protecting the Synthetic Turf

In the entirely artificial surfaces with rubber infill, this jumps with each bounce of the ball.

Synthetic grass consumed after 7 yearsSynthetic grass consumed after 7 years

A synthetic grass field consumed by the sun in 7 years, Aosta - Italy.

Organic infill may move floating when is rainingOrganic infill may move floating when is raining

Organic infill may move floating on the surface under heavy rain conditions.

The natural grass is growing in this synthetic turf of the hybrid system PowerGrassThe natural grass is growing in this synthetic turf of the hybrid system PowerGrass

The natural grass is growing in simbiosis in this synthetic turf of the hybrid system PowerGrass.

Full densityFull density

PowerGrass, upon reached the maximum density.

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